Flippin good fun!

Pancake Day in the UK is also known as Shrove Tuesday and is celebrated as Carnival and Mardi Gras elsewhere in the world.

Traditionally, Shrove Tuesday was seen as the last opportunity to use up eggs and fats before embarking on the Lenten fast and pancakes were viewed as the perfect way to use up these ingredients.

This year Pancake Day falls on 16th February 2021 – just over one week away!

Get involved

We know that it can be really difficult to find new things for children to do during the current lockdown restrictions, which is why pancake day presents a great opportunity to do something fun and different as a family!

That why we’ve put together a really simple guide to help you get involved. All you need to do is follow the five-steps below and you’ll become experts in creating the perfect pancake.

Five steps to make the perfect pancake

What you’ll need
To make eight or so pancakes you will need 8oz plain flour, two large eggs and one pint of milk.

Step One
Mix all of the ingredients together and whisk well.

Step Two
Leave to stand for 30 minutes.

Step Three
Heat a little oil in a frying pan, pour in enough batter to cover the base of the pan and let it cook until the base of the pancake has browned

Step Four
Shake the pan to loosen the pancake and flip it over to brown the other side.

Step Five
Satisfy your sweet tooth by topping your pancakes with sugar, lemon or syrup, or perhaps buck the trend and go for often overlooked savoury favourites like classic cheese and ham. The choice is endless…